Natalia Spivak, product Designer/visual designer
Hello, I am Natalia Spivak, UI/UX Designer with user-centered approach and a strong expertise in visual design.
Company CRM/ERP
A project of high complexity, encompassing all processes within the company. I was working on it as a Lead UI designer for the past two years.

A full redesign of a website for a company that specializes in international law, international taxation, and the audit of foreign companies.
An interactive prototype of a map of one of the best places in Vienna
Animation of UI elements, that I have made using After Effects
An interactive map, aimed to note and structure places of memory of the national socialism victims
A mobile first website for a ballet studio
My playground, where I pump up visual design skills and creativity.
Dylan! The Avatar Generator
A component based on variants, instance swap and boolean. You can change a size, background colour, hairstyle, mood, skin tone. The capacity is up to 5040 variants! The file consists of the component itself and the examples of the usage. The illustrations are made by me, using Adobe Illustrator.
My another professional passion is illustration, and in this position I have delivered projects for huge international companies like Samsung, Coca-Cola, Youtube, Grab. You can visit my website which is also pleasant to use and was designed by me.

Natalia Spivak, 2024
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